Sunday, September 30, 2012

Online Encyclopedia

This year we are fortunate to have access to the Online Britannica Encyclopedia.  You have at your fingertips a wealth of information, links to articles, websites and videos and it all comes in three levels of difficulty - Primary, Student and Britannica.  You can even set up workspaces to file articles you are interested in and no need to worry about citations - Britannica does it for you.

Please spend some time browsing - you never know what you might learn.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

9.01 busy in the library

We're getting into the swing of things as the new year gets under way.  Almost all Grade 9 sections and STS students have been to the library to find out what we have on offer.  Grade 10 students will be beginning their enrichment project this week so it is all go. 

Here are some pictures of 9.01 in the library last week.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Have you been inspired by the Olympics and Paralympics to try out a new sport? Come to the library and check out some of the dozens of books on sports from athletics to Taekwondo.  Make this the year you try something new.

This is the newly painted golden postbox in my hometown.  In the UK every time someone won a gold medal at the Olympics, a postbox in the centre of their hometown was painted gold.